Yes, I twitch

Now that you know how the blog got it’s name, I should probably add that he usually asks me really obscure questions. Things like “How many miles is it from Istanbul to Cairo?” Now I like to think I’m smarter than the average bear, but come on! So it started that even when he asks me not so obscure questions, if I don’t know the answer immediately, I would respond with a ‘twitch’.

That said, onto wedding stuff. Hopefully making the second draft of my dress bodice soon. I have a few Halloween costumes to finish for people first. The photo session was fun, the photographer commented several times how we just seemed to fit well together. When I picked up the proof sheets, he made the comment that he noticed Keith could have a very somber expression, but the closer we got to each other, the happier he’d get.

Okay, that’s it from me. Time to go back to work. Just figured I had to give a better explanation about the twitching.

One Reply to “Yes, I twitch”

  1. Just for the record, I have never asked how many miles it is from Istanbul to Cairo. But for those of you who want to know, it’s about 760 miles, as the crow flies.

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